The interview :: Kathryn Kelley/Claire Ruud
mumbling to myself aloud, in public. at times it is embarrassing, but it is as it is.
I know you're expecting art!
It is here, but interwoven / embedded with cyber residue of life.
"Nothing screams 'Home Sweet Home' in Kelley's aesthetic - perhaps theatrical? - vocabulary like `As the Ache.' ...
But Kelley's home is not to be feared. Stitched and nailed and stapled together from whatever our over-consuming industrial culture has left behind, this home sweet home reads as an allegory to a new more truthful kind of personal homemaking - one that eschews the expectations of others.
From unappealing detritus, Kelley fashions a stage for a much more gnarly but ultimately more truthful kind of existence."
excerpt Austin Statesman Art Review by Jeanne Claire van Ryzin
when i shut up love
the door bangs closed
i pound and scrape
my fingers
bloody with prying
but without love
without hope
tightly shut it remains
i smell the void
the vacancy
the remotest parting
and i find
my lips part as they
press to the frame
to drink in the waft
that trickles through
i scribble down
as fast as can
the words that
spill over
and i reach
for the handle
i breathe
i could no longer stay
self sequestered there
in the tower of my making
there is no good way to destroy
one's own tower
while remaining inside
there is no good way to get down
without help
no one came
i crumbled the tower
of my making
from within
and now
i wipe the dust from my face
and i stand in the rubble
of this crumbled tower
i see my feet are on the ground
i reach down
brush aside the rubble there
i am searching
searching for my path
i breathe and
i am grateful for that breath
yet i am so grieved
that they needed to tell me
i would be and will be destroyed
my breath catches deep within
as the ache
swells in me
there is a splintering
at the horizon of today
fragments of yesterday
and tomorrow
and i listen at this abyss
as the beyond beckons me
with its urgency and passion
i open my splintered self to it
and it whispers
my name
Tell me the story of when fire came down and consumed two souls, two melded not in sameness but in fiery harmony, where they fit together and made a wholeness, a rightness, a space of intimate belonging, where love and partnership merged in the flame, a love so deep the aching overwhelms. Tell me the story of the unfolding of the fragments of wholeness through the vehicle of love. Tell me the story of a fire that can burn me with goodness and beauty. Tell me this story, not one of shadows; one of hope, not hardening. Let me flee the shadows that are bleak with chill and harden my soul in areas that have only yet begun to thaw. Tell me the story of love and light, the one that draws back the curtains of my soul and beckons me to the scent of dawn. Tell me the story where I can know light, where I can flow into the future fully present, one where this gentler light warms the hard places of my soul. Tell me a story of fire.
I don't want to hear the story of she who steals, who embraces the cold shadow of lie and self-deception that dance teasingly over her heart.
I don't want to hear her story of longing that goes empty, a space where she remains vacant and lost and wretches in the wilderness of her under grown soul.
I don't want to hear the story of the girl who got lost in her head with a thought, an idea, who lost all sense of presence and found herself alone in the vacuous cavern of her own mind, treading where no one hears the echoes of her footfall.
I don't want to hear the story of the girl who sacrificed herself for doing only what is right, who didn't know love because she was to afraid of doing wrong.
I only want one story; I don't want to hear the others for fear that they are me.
It is nice to know that we are not expected to succeed the first few times we try to see god, or our way, in the midst of difficulties from within and from without. We miss the first few times or more. When we start sinking, we call for help and god seems to moderate the intensity of the trial so that we can get a brief rest and try again. The "again" for the apostles was jesus' crucifixion and they all sank. Trials always LOOK like impossible situations. We try to accept them but things get to tough. Our faith and trust wither and we begin to sink. We call for help and again god rescues. There is a brief calm. If we continue the journey, the wind and waves start up again. Again we try to find god, to find reason, in the particular difficulty; again we start to drown; he pulls us out (again and again). This is the story of everyone's spiritual journey. The only mistake is to go down and stay down; to sink and not yell for help.
Little by little we are able to hear the still small voice in the difficulty. If we can find him there, we will never lose him. Without difficulties, we would not know the power of god's mercies and the incredible destiny he has for each of us. We must be patient with our failures. There is always another opportunity unless we go ashore and stay there. A No-risk situation is the biggest danger there is. To encounter the winds and the waves is not a sign of defeat. It is a training in the art of fully living, which is the strange art of yielding to god's action and believing in his love no matter what happens.
Maybe today will be a good day. I will try to make it so.