they cling; they live inside me; they stay; they repeat as infinite do-loops; they become my own voice; they tell me who i am; they tell me what i have done; they tell me i am the destroyer; they tell me i will be destroyed; there is no hope in these words. (FOREGROUND) remnant tubes, baling wire, rebar, cinder blocks, chair, belts, various mallets, 2009.
Installing for Saturday, June 6th opening (6 - 9 pm)
@ the G Gallery
Exhibition closes June 22

the fear was hidden behind... 5 masks of remnant tires, baling wire, on stands of remnant chandelier understructures, 2009.

the fear was hidden behind... mask details.

the fear was hidden behind... mask details.

i obliterated that which I loved.
remnant tube liners on wood frame, 2009.

i could not stop. 3 units.
remnant tubes, baling wire, rebar, steel frame, 2009.

i whisper into the silence; now as i did then; it is unbearable in its volume. remnant tubes, baling wire, stuffing on wood frame, 2009.

betrayal is not so very far away; it comes from within me; does it come from within you. remnant tubes, rebar, baling wire on steel frame, 2009.
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