Thursday, August 27, 2009

how is it that i am a fence climber

how is it that i follow God's lead here
but not there
obey this
but not that
trust one
but not the other
turn toward
while turning away
stand still
when i run
while i pull
when i follow
step up
while i step down
be rational
when i am emotional
be emotional
when i am rational
but forget
when i doubt
am whole
as i am fragmented
say this
as i say that
move forward
but go back
while i don't shut up
while inflicting harm
know this
but not that
be good
while i am bad

how can i see
but not hear
and hear
but not see

never invite me
to a deposition
it will be a very very long day
hardly one thing is as simple as just
yes or no
this or that
his or hers
past or to come
up or down
black or white
whole or fragmented
better or worse
two or one

i don't need shoes from Nordstrom
but a comfy pair of steel tip boots i like

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