Monday, August 10, 2009


Main Entry: depose
Definition: oust from...
Synonyms: boot out, bounce, break, can, cashier, chuck, degrade, demote, dethrone, discrown, dismiss, displace, downgrade, drum out, eject, freeze out, give heave-ho, impeach, kick out, overthrow, remove from office, ride out on rail, run out of town, send packing, subvert, throw out, throw out on ear, uncrown, unfrock, unmake, unseat, upset

Origin: 1350–1400; ME (< AF) < LL dēpositiōn- (s. of dēpositiō) a putting aside..., burial, equiv. to L dēposit(us) laid down (see deposit ) + -iōn- -ion

Taken from

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kathkell said...
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